A popular show called Extreme Coupons has been chronicling ‘extreme couponers’ who save ninety to hundred per cent of their grocery bills every week. The average person avoids using coupons because finding and using them often seems like a waste of … [Read more...]
Couponing Advice: Be Organized
There really is no right or wrong way for organizing large quantities of coupons. Some use binders for storing coupons, while other might opt for boxes with divider tabs. Some even choose not to clip anything at all. Instead, they leave their coupon … [Read more...]
Coupon Searching Tips
Saving money with coupons is a growing trend in the United States. Modern technology has changed the way consumers can find valuable coupons. Taking full advantage of all of the places you can find coupons is going to be the fastest way to be a … [Read more...]